Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Rip-Off Behind "Razor Blade Business"

Giving away one thing to sell another is what we like to call "razor blade business". Companies like Gillette give you free razor blade handles and then stiff you by charging you a samll fortune for the blades. Printer Cartridges are the worst for that. The most expensive champagne in the world is cheap when compared to inkjet ink, which casts all of a penny a gallon to make wholesale. [money hungry fools]
Razor Blade businesses depend on you not being able to get the blades from someone else. After all, Gillette can make nine bucks on a ten dollar replacement blade, why not start a competitor that makes only four bucks selling an identical blade. An 80 percent pprofit marginnis the kind of thing that makes your average bussiness guy go all drooly and round eyed. [these are classified tricks of the trade. im letting you in on some crucial info here]


Anonymous said...

i always knew that gillette was up to something
i hate refilling my razors
i get three free ones but i have to pay like 50 bills for the entire thing

Anonymous said...

just a question, but are all your posts from "Little Brother"?